Our flagship Principles and Techniques™ fundamentals learning experience is a customized, 2-3 day workshop that satisfies requirements for project management leadership and functional development programs. Palatine has offered our core, 2-3 day workshop for project management fundamentals for over 30 years to a large, global client base. The workshop and curricula target non-project manager professionals and technical professionals and is a leading workshop in Merck, DOE, and NASA’s Training Academy project management programs. The workshop is a blended learning experience providing a practioner-based approach to introducing the essential methods, tools and techniques needed to manage projects successfully. The program integrates an experiential learning framework to help project managers and global teams translate strategic initiatives into concrete action plans in the context of managing a client-driven project case -- our version of an action learning approach. We design a customized application (the project case) for different project environments, regional locations, and a client’s preference for accepted project management principles in a modular, multi-layer curricula for team Leaders, project and program leaders, and functional managers.
Participants group into small teams of 3 – 5 individuals and learn strategies for continuous development through a combination of personal business case learning techniques, interactive lecture and group discussions, peer consulting exercises and instructional coaching. This experiential learning framework immerses the learner in key project management principles and business issues that managers confront throughout the project life-cycle. The program design follows the general 7 step process for defining, planning, tracking, and communicating the project and builds capabilities in planning, communication, influencing, negotiation, monitoring and controlling risk, and stakeholder management in a virtual and change environment. Each section of the program covers one step in the process, including the project management principles, terminology, tools, and methods used to understand, analyze, format, report, and communicate the specific context of that step.